"The present trade system is breaking apart"
Final Declaration of Fourth World Parliamentary Forum, Mumbai, India, January 19, 2004
As the World Social Forum in Mumbai (Bombay) drew to a close, the parliamentarians present adopted the following statement.
Final Declaration of Fourth World Parliamentary Forum, Mumbai, India,
January 19, 2004
1. During the past three years, the regular meetings of the World
Parliamentary Forum (WPF) took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This
January 2004, together with the World Social Forum (WSF), for the first
time it meets in Asia, in Mumbai, India, and at a time of a deepening
international crisis. The Fourth World Parliamentary Forum takes here a
special importance.
2. In the context of the globalisation, the powers of Parliamentarians
and Legislators to call executive governments to account and to
legislate freely have been deliberately undermined. We reassert our
legitimate authority to hold accountable national and global
authorities. We will work to reverse this erosion of our sovereign law
making powers.
3. Four years after the Seattle fiasco, the collapse of the fifth
Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Cancun
has shown that the present trade system is not only in a legitimacy
crisis, but that it is breaking apart. Since the gap between the rich
and the poor is widening dramatically under the current trade system and
the WTO rule, the myth that unfettered free trade is the key to global
prosperity is utterly discredited. It is high time now to re-shape
international trade rules and promote fare, equitable and sustainable
trade, which is beneficial to all nations and all people, so that it
serve, rather than obstruct, the cause of social and sustainable
development. The emergence of new international alliances such as the
G20 and the G90 indicate that the need for change is now felt more
broadly than ever. We disapprove of the invitation made by the Swiss to
host a mini-ministerial of the WTO alongside the Davos World Economic
Forum of January 2005. We, the participants of the WPF, are deeply
committed to the idea that another economic and trade paradigm, which
benefits the majority of the populations all over the world, is possible
and necessary. We call Parliamentarians and Legislators to initiate and
support a broad debate in the respective Parliaments on self-reliant
development, the remaking of the global trade system, respecting and
including views and demands of the social movements and civil society in
general and giving the UN the democratic control of the multilateral
financial and economic institutions.
4. The existing and projected free trade areas between very unequal
economies as FTAA has not produced a fair redistribution of wealth, more
and better jobs, increase of salaries and sustainable social and
environmental development. On the contrary, together with irresponsible
government policy making, they have led to a concentration of production
structures in the hands of multinational companies, violation of human
and workers' rights, tax deficit and privatisation of common goods such
as water and energy. Lifting all trade barriers, eroding trade
preferences between unequal partners does not automatically lead to more
welfare for the whole of the populations. Focus must be given to the
diversification of economy, strengthening of ecologically sound
infrastructures, and to education, health, transport system without
which the country cannot take benefits from international trade
Each country must have the right to develop its own economic and
political potential. We are in favour of a priority fo regional
integration based on popular consultation and consensus, democratic
decision-making and control, respect for human and social rights as
defined by international pacts and covenants, sustainable development
and cultural diversity. We, as Parliamentarians and Legislators, are
determined to take up these demands and translate them into legislative
proposals for a peaceful regional integration with respect for social
rights, rural development, protection and diversification of local
economies, food sovereignty and cultural diversity. We shall, as well,
demand the implementation of a world taxation system (like a "Tobin Tax"
on international financial transactions, and on corporate benefits.)
that will contribute to finance third world countries' development.
5. The GATS negotiations inside the WTO present a threat to public
services in many countries. Requests, mainly coming from the major
industrialised countries, to open up markets for the commercialisation
of education, public health, culture and access to water and energy,
reflect strong economic interests of corporations. Privatisation and
lack of regulation leads to private monopoly and does not serve the
interests of the poor, but undermine them even more of their basic
needs. Primary education itself, so essential for social and gender
equality, is threatened by present policies.
We shall take initiatives in our respective Parliaments and Legislative
Assemblies to demand from our governments to review and reverse the GATS
negotiations, so that provisions maybe introduced to protect public
services and guaranty the right of public authorities to regulate. We
support the initiatives of city councils and local self-government
throughout the world to declare themselves GATS free.
6. The issue of water is presently taking a special importance on the
international scene. It is thus necessary to clearly state that access
to water is a fundamental right, which cannot be touched for profit
making reasons. Water is not a commodity. It is an essential and
unsubstitutable natural element for food production, daily life needs
and many other activities. As has been underlined in Rome Declaration of
December 2003, it is urgent to formally recognise water as a common,
public good, according to the non-market-economy, and to exclude it from
the category of "market goods and services". Poverty and lack of access
to water resources are the cause of millions of death in developing
countries. Today, while 70 % of the water is used, in the world, for
productive activities, so many people still have no access to safe
drinking water. Health is a major issue but neo-liberal economic
globalisation and structural adjustment plan increase sanitary
emergencies and decrease access to drugs and primary health care, as
they lead to the dismantling of public health structures. Moreover,
access to drug is limited by high prices and patent of pharmaceutical
companies. We, as Parliamentarians and Legislators, will support the
international campaigns launched by social movements and civil society
organisations to protect the right of access of all to water, and for
the recognition of health as a fundamental human right.
7. We shall fight in our respective Parliaments and legislative bodies
for land reforms and for land to be given to the tillers in whichever
country this task remains incomplete.
8. External debt under the regime of the IMF and the World Bank has been
an efficient tool to prevent any local social economic development.
While James Baker has insisted since the end of the 1980s that Argentina
has to pay its debt contracted under a dictatorship, he is now asking
the Club of Paris to cancel the debt of Iraq. because it was contracted
under a dictatorship. Not only is the double standard unacceptable, it
also shows that the system of the debt is a key for economic and
political dominance. The "odious debt" question (legacy of apartheid and
dictatorial regimes) is but the tip of the iceberg of the whole issue.
We, as Parliamentarians and Legislators, commit ourselves to the
cancellation of foreign debt of developing countries, striving at the
same time for the establishment of "fair and transparent arbitration
processes (FTAP), which enable the concerned citizens to participate in
the allocation of funds free from the debt circuit.
9. The war led by the Bush administration in Iraq has represented one of
the most ominous developments in the international political situation,
last year. It shows the full implications of the Bush doctrine of
"pre-emptive war", of United States unilateralism. It has worsened the
dynamics of war threatening today's world, creating new obstacles to
reaching necessary political settlements in many regions, like in the
case of Palestine and Israel, of Mindanao in the Philippines or of the
Korean peninsula. A new impulse has been given to arm race and nuclear
proliferation. It is evident that we did not support the Saddam Hussein
regime; we support democracy everywhere. We strongly oppose the
unilateralist military and political intervention of the US in Iraq and
other countries. We reject the attempts of the US to undermine
legitimate international political processes, specifically the United
Nations. In the name of antiterrorism, basic Human Rights are denied,
and populations like migrants and asylum seekers find themselves in a
more vulnerable situation than ever before. The US government is freeing
itself from international laws and conventions, as is especially shown
in the scandalous development of Guantanamo. Many of the violent
conflicts in Africa are to a large extent are due to the role of few
Western Multinational Corporations eager to confiscate the resources of
this continent. There have been attempts by the business sector to
establish codes of conduct that address social, environmental and human
rights issues. These issues (UN "Global Compact", International Business
Council for Sustainable Development) have been used for "greenwashing".
"Corporate social responsibility" therefore urgently needs independent
monitoring an shall not weaken national legislations.
Anti-drug anti-terrorist legislations are too often used against social
movements, as dramatically shown in the case of Bolivia and Colombia. In
Colombia, up to three millions peasants have been displaced in favour of
corporations, trade-unionists are being assassinated, Indian communities
are exterminated, there is impunity for human rights violations while
the US intervention and extension of the war threaten civil society and
neighbouring countries like Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil. One major
international duty for Parliamentarians and Legislators is today to
fight the Bush doctrine of "pre-emptive war", to extend solidarity with
peoples in zones of conflicts, to defend Human Rights, to defend the
Right of the peoples to decide their own future through peaceful and
democratic means and put an end to arms race, including a universal ban
on nuclear weapons. We, Parliamentarians and Legislators, have the duty
to act as peacemakers and to look for the end of violence. We commit
ourselves to strive for a new world order based on respect of the UN
Charter principles and international conventions. We support a reform of
the UN system, to begin with a restructuring and enlargement of the UN
Security Council in order to increase the representation of developing
countries and reinforce the legitimacy and effectiveness of the UN
10. We, as Parliamentarians and Legislators, commit ourselves to strive
for a worldwide ratification campaign of the International Criminal
Court (ICC) Statute and urge national Parliamentarians not to sign
Bilateral Immunity Agreements (BIAs) with the US despite the loss of US
11. The combined impact of the implementation worldwide of neo-liberal
economic policies and of the dynamics of war is very deep. There is a
constant erosion of democratic rule and social rights, with processes of
remilitarisation in a number of countries. It favours the rise of
religious fundamentalisms and sectarianisms, as well as the danger of
terroris, which seeks to disrupt the unity of people. It contributes to
multiply obstacles to the assertion of gender equality and of
minorities' rights. We oppose all dictatorships. We, Parliamentarians
and Legislators, recognise the specific importance, such a context, of
the present rise of the movements against corporate and military
globalisation, of the workers struggles to defend social rights and
public services, of the worldwide anti-war mobilisations and, within
them, of the social forum processes. New solidarities are being tied,
international convergences for common actions are being built,
alternatives to the dominant economic and military world order are here
being collectivised.
12. In South Asia especially, where the Fourth WPF meets, we,
Parliamentarians and Legislators, recognise the paramount importance of
forging and broadening the unity of the people against the current
corporate project of globalisation spearheaded by the IMF-WB-WTO
triumvirate. In order to achieve this project, such forces, in obnoxious
attempts, play up differences based on ethnicity, race, religion and
historical feudal legacies like the caste. Therefore: - We recognise the
strivings of the people in South Asia to end regional conflicts and
establish peace through a process of constructive dialogue to resolve
disputes and strengthen regional cooperation. - We recognise the
increasing assertion of the women's movement in opposing gender
discrimination and in establishing gender justice, which, again, faces
challenges not just from neo-liberal economic policies but also from
forces of fundamentalism and revivalism. - We extend support to the
assertion of hitherto disposed and socially oppressed groups to achieve
social justice. - We note and extend our support to the concerns of
ethnic and religious minorities for a just and equal social order, which
will enable their participation as partners and not adversaries. - In
this, we recognise the need for opposition to not just the governments
but also forces of fundamentalism, obscurantism and sectarianism, which
disrupt the unity of the people. We condemn all forms of terrorism,
including individual and state terrorism. The respect of cultural
identities (including the right to speak one's own language) is an
integral part of human sustainable development. We, Parliamentarians and
Legislators from all countries, engage to protect the world against a
single and homogeneous culture and prevent xenophobia. WPF shall
mobilise against discriminations of all kinds - be it racial, gender,
religious, caste, economical, political, social or territorial. Every
citizen of the world must be treated with dignity.
13. The World Parliamentary Forum and the International Parliamentary
Network (IPN), constituted after the First WPF of Porto Alegre, in 2001,
has already initiated several campaigns on issues like the taxation of
financial transactions, the GATS and the defence of public services, on
sustainable development at the occasion of the Johannesburg Conference
(Rio + 10) and on the WTO at the occasion of the Cancun conference.
These campaigns remain. For 2004, it will mobilise in particular on the
following issues:
14. March 20 will be an international day of mobilisation against war
and the Bush doctrine. It is an essential occasion to fight for a world
of peace, to extend our solidarity toward peoples in struggle (like in
Palestine) and to address the political issue of zones of conflicts (as
Iraq, Palestine-Israel, Pakistan-India, Mindanao and the Korean
peninsula), and to integrate better the demand for a universal, general
ban on nuclear weapons in the overall peace movement.
15. The issue of social and environmental development will be concretely
raised at the occasion of the June 2004 UNCTAD meeting in Sao Paulo, and
at when attempt to revive the WTO rule will be made. We shall follow
closely any future negotiations concerning the WTO to express the need
for a fair trade for all people.
16. We express firmly our support to the social transformation process
in Venezula and reject any kind of foreign intervention.
17. The first meeting of the Latin American Branch of the International
Parliamentary Network in Caracas, in November 2003, has adopted a clear
statement against the present FTAA negotiations, which took place
without any participation of Parliaments of the concerned countries,
which violated Constitutions and exclude the sovereign participation of
the people. We fully support this assessment and call for a stop of the
negotiations. We share the demand of the Latin American branch to bring
cases of violations of human rights of migrants before the international
bodies and to start to work in order to ensure the free movements of
persons all over the continent. We support legislative initiatives to
recognise all human, social, civic and labour rights of immigrant
workers, especially in the USA and the European Union (EU). Since
decades, Colombia is a country with a worldwide negative record of human
rights violations. Since the beginning of the presidential term of
Alvaro Uribe Velez, the situation has even worsened. We urge the
government to immediately implement the recommendation of the United
Nations, and particularly dismantle paramilitary groups, return to the
constitutional democratic rights revoking the presidential decrees,
unconditionally protect social activists, human rights defenders and
Parliamentarians of the political opposition, at present under constant
death threat. We also urge the Colombian government to negotiate a
humanitarian agreement in order to effectively protect the civil
population from war violence and to reinitiate peace negotiations. This
agreement would be the first step for the release of Ingrid Betancourt,
presidential candidate kidnapped almost two years ago, and all the other
victims of kidnappings in the country.
18. The European Parliamentary Forum met for the first time in November
2003, at the occasion of the Second European Social Forum. The European
pole of the IPN will support the trade union days of mobilisatin, April
2 and 3, and the day of action for a social Europe of Mai 9, called by
the coordination of social movements.
19. The WPF welcomes the proposal of creating a South Asian
Parliamentary Forum to carry forward the Parliamentary movement for the
ideals laid down in the final declaration adopted at WPF 2004, in the
20. The WPF and the IPN will mobilise itself in defence of
Parliamentarians facing repression and death threats because of their
progressive engagements.
21. The WPF and the IPN will defend as well progressive social movements
and civil society organisations, and their members, facing repression.
We shall campaign for the abolition of death penalty everywhere.
22. The WPF, the IPN and its members will continue to support the world
social forum process and the campaigns of social and citizen movements.
They will strengthen their links with them, and pursue a dialog on the
elaboration of alternatives to the present world order. We shall work
closely with the next WSF organisers in order to have a more active
interaction with social movements.
23. The Fifth regular meeting of the WPF will be held at the occasion of
the next World Social Forum (January 2005, in Porto Alegre).
For more information on the WEPF go to
http://www.forumparlamentarmundial.rs.gov.br/ and click on "English"
The declaration in german
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