Ruben Kaminer (Israel) und Khalil Toama (deutsch-palästinensische Gesellschaft): Gemeinsam gegen Antisemitismus - Für einen gerechten Frieden / Ruben Kaminer: "I want to tell you a secret about the occupation"
Reden auf der Kundgebung der Friedensbewegung am 21. Mai 2002 in Berlin
Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir Auszüge aus den Reden, die zum Nahostkonflikt gehalten wurden. Die Ansprache von Ruben Kaminer wurde in Englisch gehalten. Hier geben wir sie in einer deutschen Übersetzung wieder.
Ruben Kaminer (Peace Now)
(...) Hunderte israelische Bürger haben der Regierung
und der Armee gesagt, daß sie nicht weiter für die
Besatzung dienen wollen. Sie weigern sich, Soldaten in
einem schmutzigen Krieg zu sein, der nicht endet und
Israel in die Richtung immer größerer Kriegsverbrechen
zwingt. (...) Nahezu 500 Reservisten, Menschen, die
bereits als Soldaten gedient haben, haben inzwischen
einen offenen Brief unterschrieben, in dem sie sagen,
daß sie nicht in die besetzten Gebiete gehen werden. 40
von ihnen sitzen derzeit im Gefängnis. (...)
100.000 Israelis folgten kürzlich einem Aufruf von
Peace Now, demonstrierten für die Auflösung der
Siedlungen zum Wohle Israels. Sie waren zum Rabin-Platz
in Tel Aviv gekommen, um zu zeigen, daß sie die Mythen
und Lügen der Barak-Ära überwunden und verstanden
haben, daß Israel den Schlüssel zum Frieden in den
Händen hält. Aber der Weg ist voll mit Steinen,
Steinen, die die Scharon-Peres-Regierung uns
hinterlassen hat, die weiter Siedlungen und Annexionen
propagiert. (...)
Zusammen werden Israelis und Palästinenser, Juden und
Araber den Kampf für einen gerechten Frieden
fortsetzen. Ein Frieden, der auf dem kompletten Rückzug
hinter die Grenzen von 1967 basieren muß, auf zwei
Hauptstädten in Jerusalem, auf der Auflösung der
Siedlungen, die zu einem Krebs geworden sind, der alle
Hoffnungen auf Stabilität und Wiederaufbau in der
Region auffrißt, ein Frieden, der auf einer gerechten
Lösung des palästinensischen Flüchtlingproblems
aufbaut. Zusammen werden wir alle Formen des Rassismus
überwinden, besonders Antisemitismus sowie
antiarabische und antimoslemische Vorurteile und
Diskriminierung. Wir haben einen Schatz, eine Tradition
zu erhalten: Die Einheit eines breiten
antifaschistischen historischen Erbes, das den
Nazi-Faschismus und den Antisemitismus hier in
Deutschland und überall, wo er sich ausbreitete,
bekämpft hat.
Dear friends and comrades
As a veteran activist in the Israeli peace movement and the Israeli
allow me to greet you in the name of a vibrant, growingly militant and
dedicated community of protest. This movement is
composed of hundreds of thousands women and men in Israel who have come
to the conclusion that the greatest threat to the security and the
welfare of Israel is the occupation and its effects.
The 35 year old occupation of the Palestinian territories manages to
combine almost every ugly form of repression: the denial of human and
national rights, the closures which jail the populace in their own
neighborhood village or town; curfews which choke off any kind of
normal existence and make the tasks of daily life into a tale of
suffering. Military incursions aimed at the entire civil population
under the guise of the fight against terror. Checkpoints that turn the
freedom of movement into a ghastly joke, into a long unending battle
against daily frustration. Targeted killings designed to humiliate the
Palestinian community and to demonstrate its helplessness against the
operations of the NATO-scaled army which calls itself for some
inexplicable reason, the Israeli Defense Forces.
This 35 year old occupation which effects primarily the 3.5 million
Palestinians living under occupation is also directed against the best
interests of the people of Israel. This occupation is wrecking our
economy, spreading unemployment and poverty, this occupation is
poisoning public discourse with more and more chauvinist, racist and
Mcarthyite tendencies. This occupation is debasing the humanist
traditions of Judaism and the democratic heritage of the Jewish people
and polluting our culture with militarism and fanatic fundamentalism.
And worst of all, this horrible anachronism, this ugly attempt to go
back and remain in the era of colonialism, this occupation is also
costing the lives of more and more of our sons and daughters and of more
and more of our citizens as well as killing and injuring thousands of
Paestinian men women and children.
As a veteran activist I call on you to pay your respects to different
contingents of the peace community:
Let us honor WIB (Women in Black), who have been maintaining a weekly
vigil in Jerusalem at Hagar Square and all over Israel against the
occupation since the first days of the first Intifada back in December
1987. WIB stand at their posts rain or shine, winter or summer, but
even more important, WIB stand at their post even immediately after a
terrorist attack has resulted in the death of tens of civilians at a
spot less than a few hundred meters from their vigil. Women in Black
stand at their post even when rampaging settlers confront them when
they approach Sharon demanding more viscious military adventures.
It is not an accident that many women's peace groups have built on their
stubborn devotion and unlimited dedication to build a broad Coalition of
womens' peace groups in Israel, it is not an accident that WIB groups
are meeting and demonstrating against war and violence in hundreds of
Let us honor Tayush, (which means partnerships in Arabic). Tayush is a
product of the current IF, it is a group built organically from its
very inception of the active partnership of Israeli Jews and Israeli
Palestinian Arabs. Every weeks hundreds activists load up truckloads of
food and medical equipment and travel to the heart of the occupation, to
areas under closure and siege and demand their human right to extend
humanitarian assistance to isolated villages. Going through the IDF
barriers or around them, with or without permission of the IDF, the
trucks get thru, Israelis and Palestinians meet and talk about a better
life and a better future, one based on equality and human dignity for
Let us honor the many hundreds of Israelis who have announced to their
country and to the whole world that they have the courage to say no and
that they refuse to be soldiers in a never ending dirty war, a war that
is pushing the country to the brink of more and more serious war
crimes. Let us honor the veteran group Yesh Gvul, which has been
educating reservists for years against fulfilling illegal and immoral
military orders. . Let us honor a new formation based on one hundred
twelfth graders who have announced to the mobilization authorities that
they just wont go or that they will enter the army only if the army
promises not to send them to the territories. And let us note an even
more remarkable development, the officers' letter, signed by now by more
than four hundred reservists with backgrounds of distinguished combat
experience. Today there are more than forty refusenicks languishing in
Israeli military prisons from all three groups and the military prison
has become a school which is teaching them how to unite and how to fight
the occupation together in more and more effective ways.
I would like to mention the hundreds of devoted activists of Peace Now
whose movement has joined the call to get out of the territories for the
sake of Israel and return to the negotiating table. Just ten days ago
100,000 Israelis answered the call of PN and returned to Rabin Square to
declare that they have overcome the myths and lies of the Barak era and
they have come to the realization that the key to peace is in Israeli
hands and the path is blocked by the Sharon-Peres government which
prefers settlements and annexation till the bitter end!!
There are tens of other important groupings such as Gush Shalom whose
clear messages inspire all sections of the movement, there are important
human rights groups such as Betselem working to get out the truth about
what is going on…but I cannot mention them all.
But I want to tell you a secret about the occupation. You know that
Sharon runs the occupation. You know that Peres runs around doing
apologetics for its continuation. You know the Labor Party is
co-resposible for the continuation of the occupation because they insist
on remaining in the national unity government. But the secret is that
the occupation belongs to George W. Bush. It is Bush's occupation
because he pays for it, he writes the checks and he supplies the
military arms and the strategic cover for it, he supplies the
falsehhoods and prevarications that the occupation is about the fight
against terror. He is one of the chief ideologues of the occupation.
George W, after all is said and done, it is your occupation and you will
either get rid of it or choke on it.
We, the progressive section of the world community are the most
consistent opponents of terror. But, it there is one thing that is
worse than terror, it is state terror, The violence by the state against
innocent civilians which exploit its monopoly of power and control to
dominate the world is the worst form of terror. George W. you cannot
confuse us….we know that terrorists can and do circulate in elegant dark
suits and gather at beautiful places.
Together, Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs we will carry on
the struggle for a just peace, a peace based on complete Israeli
withdrawal to the June 1967bordrs, based on the establishment of two
capitals in Jerusalem, based on dismantling of the settlements which
have become a cancer eating away at all hopes for stability and
reconstruction in the area, and based on a fair and just settlement of
the Palestinian refugee problem. This is the path to peace and there is
no other one.
Together we will renew our efforts to reject, overcome and destroy all
forms of racism, especially anti-Semitism and anti-Arab and Anti-Moslem
prejudice and discrimination. We have a treasure and a tradition from
history to maintain, this treasure and tradition is the unity of a broad
anti-fascist front, the same front that fought Nazism and anti-semitism
here in Germany and everywhere it spread. The struggle against racism
was and is the struggle for democracy and peace.
Ruben Kaminer
Khalil Toama
(Vorsitzender der Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft, Frankfurt/Main)
(...) In den letzten 20 Monaten sind in den
Palästinensergebieten mehr als eine Viertelmillion
Nutzbäume entwurzelt wurden, in einem Land, in einer
Region, in der jeder Baum schon ein kleines Wunder ist.
Aber gleichzeitig sammelt der israelische Staat noch
immer Gelder, um in der Wüste einen angeblichen Wald
der deutschen Bundesländer zu pflanzen. Das ist wie ein
Hohn sowohl für die Umwelt als auch für die Menschen in
den palästinensischen Gebieten. Viele Kräfte in diesem
Land machen aus dem Konflikt zwischen den Israelis und
den Palästinensern einem philologischen Club. Es geht
darum, was man sagen darf, wie man die Besatzung nennen
darf, ob man das überhaupt Besatzung nennen darf. Was
ist Antizionismus, Antisemitismus, Antijudaismus und
alles dreht sich nur noch um die Schönheit und die
Reinheit der deutschen Sprache. Zur Sache sagt man
wenig. (...)
Mit Appellen kann man nichts ändern. Man muß nicht
gleich eine Hauptstadt bombardieren, es gibt genug
zivilisierte Mittel, um Druck auszuüben, damit der
Besatzer sich von der Besatzung verabschiedet. (...)
Ich kann sehr gut verstehen, daß Palästinenser in
diesem Land einen Mangel an Solidarität spüren -
vielleicht wegen der Vergangenheit, vielleicht wegen
der Instrumentalisierung des Leidens der Palästinenser
für die eigenen Zwecke. Die Palästinenser wissen genau,
daß sie falsche Freunde haben. Es gibt Leute aus der
ganz rechten Ecke, die den Konflikt
instrumentalisieren. Das sind nicht nur falsche
Freunde, das sind unsere Feinde. Man darf mit ihnen
keinen gemeinsamen Schritt gehen. Wir sind und bleiben
Antifaschisten. (...)
Wir haben eine Perspektive. Die besten Verbündeten der
Palästinenser in ihrem Kampf für einen lebensfähigen
Staat sind neben denen, die heute hier demonstrieren,
die friedensbewegten Menschen in Israel. Und da
gegenwärtig ein gemeinsamer binationaler oder sogar
multinationaler Staat in der Region möglich ist,
brauchen die Palästinenser einen eigenen Staat, und
zwar in Palästina und nicht in Ostjordanien, wie
Scharon denkt. (...)
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