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Britischer Golfkriegsveteran erhält erstmals Kriegsrente wegen Schädigung durch DU
British Veteran Kenny Duncan First To Win War Pension Tribunal

Eine Entscheidung mit Signalwirkung
"A landmark in the struggle of the worldwide 66,000 DU contaminated veterans of the 1991 Gulf War"

Prof. Schott, Berlin, Vorsitzender von WODUC-World Depleted Uranium Centre (Weltzentrum für abgereichertes Uran) veröffentlichte am 14. Februar 2004 einen Brief, in dem er auf eine wichtige Entscheidung aus Großbritannien aufmerksam macht: Dort wurde als erstem Betroffenen einem britischen Kriegsveteranen eine Pension zugesprochen, weil er im Golfkrieg 1991 durch abgereichertes Uran (Depleted Uranium) verseucht wurde. Ein wesentlicher Entscheidungsgrund war der Nachweis einer beim Patienten gefundenen Chromosomenabweichung, die auf DU zurückzuführen sei - genau diesen Zusammenhang hatte Prof. Schott in seinen wissenschaftlichen Expertisen aufgezeigt. Prof. Schott schreibt weiter, dass diese Entscheidung eine Signalwirkung haben könnte für die 66.000 DU-kontaminierten Veteranen aus dem Golfkrieg 1991 und die noch nicht gezählten Betroffenen aus dem Golfkrieg 2003.

Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir den Brief von Prof. Schott im englischen Original.

World Depleted Uranium Centre, WODUC e.V.
Prof. Dr. A. Schott, Berlin

British Veteran Kenny Duncan First To Win War Pension Tribunal

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Chromosome Aberration Tests, originated and paid for by Prof. A. Schott, Head of WODUC, were essential to convince the Pensions Appeal Tribunals, heard in Edinburgh 2.2.04, that Kenneth Duncan from Scotland has been poisoned by Depleted Uranium (DU) during the 1991 Gulf War: "DECISION OF APPEAL, Reasons for Decision: 6.6 Significantly Professor Schott noted in Table 2 on page 75 of the scheduled papers, that DUP affects, in the form of chromosome aberrations, were present in the appellant's blood, as revealed by his blood analysis of 12/7/2001".

This Decision is a landmark in the struggle of the worldwide 66,000 DU contaminated veterans of the 1991 Gulf War (and the uncounted number of the 2003 Gulf War). Kenny is the first of these 66,000. He served as tank transporter: Iraqi tanks, destroyed by DU Weapons, fired by British and US forces. So he inhaled the radiological and chemical poisonous DU dust. Uranium is an alpha-emitter. Alpha-radiation is known to make chromosome breaks. The tribunal realized that K. Duncan had been exposed to DU dust during his service in the 1991 Gulf War.

Mandy and Kenny Duncan have three children born after the 1991 war. All three are heavily congenital damaged. The severe health problems require weekly treatment and special school training. Their illnesses are attributable to genetic damage caused by DU.

The statement of NGVF-Association "... it must be noted that these tests had been paid for by the Charity." (Press Release, 3rd February 2004) is not correct.

Details about DU you find in the WODUC-brochure "Fluch und Tragödie des Uran-Missbrauchs", "Curse and Tragedy of Uranium Misuse", Berlin 2004.

I thank God, that this humanitarian work has been possible: For the sake and welfare of the terrible ill veterans, for their wifes or husbands that have to carry this lifelong burden, for their horrible congenital damaged pregnancy outcomes; that means: abortions, stillburths, preterm deliveries, birth defects and infant mortality.

Prof. Dr. A. Schott
Head of WODUC e.V.

P.S.: The loan for these chromosome tests I have to pay back and much more tests have to be done. Your contribution is essential.
Charity: WODUC e.V.,
Prof. A. Schott,
KT.Nr. 603 158 900;
Postbank Leipzig, Germany. BLZ. 860 100 90

E-Mail: albrecht_schott@arcor.de
Homepage: www.woduc.de

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