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"Serbien wird niemals ein unabhängiges Kosovo akzeptieren"

Parlament in Belgrad verabschiedet Resolution

Am 26. Dezember 2007 verabschiedete das serbische Parlament mit überwältigender Mehrheit eine Resolution, worin die Zugehörigkeit der Provinz Kosovo zu Serbien bekräftigt wird. Wir dokumentieren hierzu einen Artikel (deutsch) dazu sowie eine ausführliche Zusammenfassung des Inmhalts der Rsolution (englisch).

"Niemals ein unabhängiges Kosovo akzeptieren"

Parlament in Belgrad bekräftigt Anspruch Serbiens auf die Provinz

Das Parlament in Belgrad hat den Anspruch Serbiens auf Kosovo bekräftigt und in diesem Zusammenhang einen EU-Beitritt in Frage gestellt.

Belgrad (AFP/ND). In einer mit großer Mehrheit angenommenen Resolution warnte das Parlament, Serbien werde die Beziehungen zu Ländern, die ein unabhängiges Kosovo anerkennen, überdenken. Alle internationalen Abkommen, die Serbien unterzeichnet, müssen demnach die staatliche Einheit Serbiens berücksichtigen. Ausdrücklich genannt wurde das kurz vor der Unterzeichnung stehende Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen mit der EU, das als erster Schritt zum Beitritt gilt.

Nach einer fast achtstündigen Debatte stimmten (am 26. Dezember 2007) 220 Abgeordnete für den Text, 14 waren dagegen und drei enthielten sich. Die Resolution gilt als Kompromiss zwischen der Demokratischen Partei (DES) des pro-europäischen Präsidenten Boris Tadic und der Demokratischen Partei Serbiens (DSS) des konservativen Ministerpräsidenten Vojislav Kostunica, die damit ein Auseinanderbrechen ihrer Koalition vor der Präsidentschaftswahl am 20. Januar verhinderten. Die Wiederwahl Tadic' ist wegen der durch die Kosovo-Frage angeheizten nationalistischen Stimmung gefährdet.

»Serbien wird niemals ein unabhängiges Kosovo akzeptieren«, sagte Tadic im Parlament. Kostunica bezeichnete ein unabhängiges Kosovo als »Marionettenstaat«. Die USA würden ihn nur aus eigenen militärischen und Sicherheitsinteressen anerkennen. Er rief zu weiteren Verhandlungen auf und forderte einen »Kompromiss«.

Das Parlament sprach sich in der Resolution auch gegen die geplante EU-Mission in Kosovo aus, die die europäischen Staats- und Regierungschefs am 14. Dezember in Brüssel beschlossen hatten. Außerdem wurde die Entscheidung über eine NATO-Mitgliedschaft des Landes auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben. Bis zu einer möglichen Volksabstimmung zu dieser Frage müsse die »militärische Neutralität« Serbiens gewahrt werden. Die Resolution lässt den pro-europäischen Kräften in Serbien dennoch ausreichend Spielraum, die Vertiefung der Beziehungen mit Brüssel fortzusetzen. »Unser Staat wird alles tun, dass Kosovo Teil Serbiens und Serbien auf dem europäischen Weg bleibt«, sagte Tadic im Parlament.

Quelle: Neues Deutschland, 28. Dezember 2007

Serbian Parliament Adopts Kosovo-Metohija Resolution

Serbian Parliament Votes Overwhelmingly in Favor of the Kosovo-Metohija Resolution

By an overwhelming majority, members of the Serbian parliament adopted Kosovo-Metohija Resolution for Defense of Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and the Constitutional State Order. Serbian parliament has also adopted report by the State Negotiating Team on the negotiations mediated by the Contact Group troika for the future status of southern Serbian province.

The government-drafted Resolution was adopted by 220 votes for and 14 against, while 3 MPs abstained. Kosovo-Metohija Resolution received unanimous support by the ruling coalition (consisting of DSS, DS and G17 Plus parties), as well as backing of the strongest political party currently in opposition - Serbian Radical Party, and of the most other opposition parties, including the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Roma Party and the Roma Union of Serbia. Fourteen votes against came from the Albanian, Liberal party and the League of Social-Democrats MPs, while the parliament representatives of the party of ethnic Hungarian minority abstained from voting.

Defense of Kosovo-Metohija Priority of All State Institutions

The Resolution states that international agreements the Republic of Serbia signs, including the EU’s Stabilization and Association Agreement, have to have as their aim the preservation of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The document includes several key points which, after being adopted, represent a binding framework for all state institutions and other public factors in defending the country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and constitutional order.

According to the document, the defense of southern province of Kosovo-Metohija as an integral part of Serbia is the priority of state institutions and all public factors in the country until a compromise solution to the problem is adopted based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

Kosovo-Metohija Integral Part of Republic of Serbia

“Every act of declaration and recognition of Kosovo and Metohija independence, as well as any activities in the international community that would result from those acts, regardless who adopts and implements them, will be declared null and void and contrary to the constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia,” the text reads.

“Accordingly, Kosovo and Metohija will be considered an integral part of the Republic of Serbia both in the state’s domestic and foreign activities, its institutions and public factors, and such a position will be applicable to each individual act or activity of state institutions and public factors until a compromise solution to the issue is found based on Resolution 1244,” the resolution continues.

Diplomatic and all other relations with states that might recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija will be reconsidered.

The Resolution commits the government to adopting a concrete and comprehensive plan of measures to be taken in all areas of its authority in the event of an unlawful declaration of independence by the province’s Albanian separatists.

Using All Legal Means to Preserve Kosovo-Metohija Within Serbia

The parliament also requests that the government applies the constitutional prerogatives of the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo-Metohija with utmost efficiency, strengthening the activities of state institutions in fulfilling those prerogatives, with special focus on protection of life and possessions, rights and freedoms of the province residents, particularly those of Serbian and non-Albanian ethnicity.

Despite the attempts of certain Western states to block further negotiations which would enable solving Kosovo-Metohija status by peaceful means and in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, authorized representatives of Republic of Serbia should continue their efforts aimed at renewing negotiations and searching for the solution based on the international law.

Parliament will instruct the government that international agreements negotiated by Serbia, including the Stabilization and Association Agreement, must have as their purpose the preservation of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Finally, the National Parliament Assembly commits the state organs of Republic of Serbia to use all legal means in the international and state courts for defense of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Serbian state.

Alarming Announcements from the West

These standpoints are based on certain facts, first and foremost the fact that the Albanian side during the negotiations mediated by the troika avoided to really negotiate the same way they did in the first phase, led by Martti Ahtisaari. The main reason for their obstruction is the position of some western states that Kosovo province should be severed from Serbia.

According to the Resolution, Parliament Assembly assesses that some western states are strongly opposed to the continuation of negotiations on the future status of Kosovo and Metohija, thereby blocking the Security Council from finding the compromise solution to this issue.

These states are encouraging the Albanian separatist representatives in Kosovo and Metohija to declare the independence of the province, while threatening Republic of Serbia with the recognition of this unlawful act.

The Resolution states that the parliament finds extremely alarming conclusions of the Presidency of Council of Europe from December 14, 2007, which have announced activities related to Kosovo-Metohija and in the province that would directly infringe upon the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Republic of Serbia.

Parliament determines that declaration of Kosovo independence, as well as the recognition of province’s independence by any state, would represent brutal violation of the international law, mainly the UN Charter, Helsinki Final Act and the UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

Such acts and activities would directly breach the sovereignty, territorial integrity and the constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia.

EU Mission without the UN Security Council Approval a Tantamount to Invasion

The National Assembly concludes that establishing of the proposed EU mission for implementation of the rejected Ahtisaari plan would represent an act of infringement on sovereignty, territorial integrity and the constitutional order of Republic of Serbia.

During July 2007 the Security Council has rejected six resolution drafts that were based on Ahtisaari plan, and mainly on Annexes 10 and 11, concerning the establishment of the EU mission and NATO military troops in Kosovo and Metohija.

Having this in mind, the parliament demands that prior to the arrival of any mission that wishes to replace the existing UN administration, the UN Security Council-approved compromise solution for the future status of the province of Kosovo and Metohija has to be reached through negotiations.

“Parliament requests the government to reach agreement with the EU that no EU mission may enter Serbian territory, i.e. Kosovo-Metohija province, without a corresponding UN Security Council resolution,” the document goes on to say.

No to NATO

“Owing to NATO’s overall role - from the unlawful bombing of Serbia without a Security Council resolution, to Annex 11 of the rejected Ahtisaari plan, where it is stated that NATO is the ‘ultimate organ’ of power in an ‘independent Kosovo,’ parliament adopts a decision proclaiming the Republic of Serbia’s military neutrality with regards to existing military alliances until decided otherwise by a referendum,” states the Resolution, which parliament members have adopted on Wednesday.

Quelle: Website "serbian unity", 27. Dezember 2007; http://news.serbianunity.net/2007/12/27/5361/

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