Irakkrieg: Der dänische Premierminister wegen Bruchs der Verfassung angeklagt / Danish Prime Minister sued for breach of Constitution re war in Iraq
Presseerklärung der Kläger (englisch und dänisch), Erklärung des dänsichen Außenministeriums (englisch)
Der dänische Premierminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen wurde wegen Bruchs der Verfassung angeklagt. Der Grund: Die Beteiligung am Angriffskrieg gegen den Irak und an der Besetzung des Landes. Kläger sind dänische Bürger.
Im Folgenden informieren wir über diesen Fall - er erinnert an die Anklage, die vor kurzem in Schweden gegen die dortige Regierung eingereicht wurde (siehe "Wir klagen an!") und dokumentieren-
die Presseerklärung der Klägergruppe in englischer Sprache,
dasselbe in dänischer Sprache, und
eine Pressemitteilung aus dem dänischen Außenministerium (englisch).
Danish Prime Minister sued for breach of Constitution re war in Iraq
Tuesday 11 October 2005, at 2:00 pm, a group of Danish citizens will deliver a document to the Danish High Court (Østre Landsret, Justitskontoret, Fredericiagade 26, Copenhagen) instituting legal proceedings against Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen for breaches of the Constitution in connection with Denmark’s participation in the war in Iraq. Denmark’s participation, under American command and without a UN mandate, was based on the decision of 61 members of the parliament on 21 March 2003.
A press conference will take place immediately following the event, at 3:00 p.m. at Restaurant Kongens Have, Kronprinsessegade 13, Copenhagen K.
The Prime Minister's decision is considered to be in breach of § 19 of the Danish Constitution, according to which the use of military force may only be applied under a UN mandate, and within the boundaries of commonly accepted international law. Furthermore, the decision is considered to be in breach of § 20 of the Constitution, as it does not fulfil the requirement of a 5/6 parliamentary majority in relinquishing sovereignty, the Danish troops having been placed under foreign command.
The plaintiffs are represented by lawyers Christian Harlang and Bjoern Elmquist.
For interviews with the lawyers or plaintiffs after the document instituting proceedings against the Prime Minister has been delivered, contact:
Tom Clark, tel. (+45) 6062 1763 (cell phone) or e-mail,
Signe Sloth Hansen, (+45) 4089 7216 or e-mail
Sagsanlæg mod Statsministeren for grundlovsbrud ved Danmarks deltagelse i angrebskrigen mod Irak.
Tirsdag den 11. oktober 2005 kl. 14 indleverer en gruppe danske borgere til Østre Landsret, Justitskontoret, Fredericiagade 26, København, en stævning mod statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen for brud på Grundloven ved Danmarks deltagelse i angrebskrigen, der er baseret på 61 folketingsmedlemmers beslutning af 21. marts 2003, under amerikansk kommando og uden FN-mandat.
Umiddelbart efter indleveringen af stævningen er der arrangeret et pressemøde, der finder sted kl. 15 i Restaurant Kongens Have, Kronprinsessegade 13, København K.
Statsministerens beslutning anses for at være i strid med grundlovens §19 som forudsætter at dansk militær deltagelse i angrebskrige sker med FN-mandat og efter alment accepteret international ret. Derudover anses beslutningen også for at være i strid med Grundlovens § 20, da den ikke respekterer kravet om 5/6-flertalsbeslutning ved overgivelse af suverænitet, idet de udsendte danske soldater kom under fremmed kommando. Om sagens indhold henvises i øvrigt til vedhæftede resumé fra stævningen side 71 - 75. Hele stævningen kan læses på Grundlovskomitéens hjemmeside ( fra tirsdag den 11. oktober kl. 14:00.
Sagsøgerne repræsenteres af advokaterne Christian Harlang og Bjørn Elmquist.
For at aftale interviews med advokaterne eller sagsøgerne efter aflevering af stævning mod Statsministeren kontakt:
Tom Clark, tlf. 4444 1343 (hjemme), 60 62 17 63 (mobil) eller email på
Eller Signe Sloth Hansen tlf. 40 89 72 16 eller mail
11 October 2005
PM facing court battle over Iraq war
A group Danes are suing the prime minister for unconstitutionally sending troops to Iraq
The Danish parliament's decision to send troops to Iraq was unconstitutional, according to a group that is suing Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen as the nation's political representative.
The group of 24 concerned citizens intend to ask the Eastern Court today to decide whether a parliamentary majority violated the nation's highest law when it voted on 21 March 2003 to send troops to Iraq.
'For the sake of posterity, it is important to confirm that members of parliament must abide by the constitution. An unconstitutional act has been committed and the courts must make a decision,' said Christian Harlang, one of the group's lawyers, to national daily Politiken.
The group's main point of contention is that changes to the Danish constitution in 1953 harmonised it with the UN charter and forbid the use of force unless the country is attacked or unless it comes in conjunction with a UN Security Council resolution.
Neither of the two conditions applied in the decision to send troops to Iraq, according to the group.
Constitutional experts are doubtful that the case will be accepted by the court, given that the group is not directly affected by the action.
'My guess is that the case will fall apart from the start,' said Jørgen Albæk Jensen of Aarhus University to national daily newspaper Information.
Other legal experts agree that the difficulty of proving that the decision to send troops to Iraq has an influence on the daily life of ordinary Danes is likely to mean that the court rejects the case.
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